All the latest news

about Doug Wilson and his defense of two child rapists in his community, one NSA student and one Greyfriar, and his continued attack and abuse of the victims, their families, and anyone who speaks up for them.


The Shubin Report: “Analyzing Douglas Wilson’s Handling of the Steven Sitler and Jamin Wight Cases”

The Shubin Report is 499 pages at 42 megabytes and worth the download. It splits into two main parts: “Overview and Analysis of the Sitler Case,” pages 1–29; and “Overview and Analysis of the Wight Case with Supporting Documentation,” pages 30–108. The remainder is an exhaustive collection of primary-source documents that systematically presents the facts regarding Steven Sitler & Jamin Wight, as well as Doug Wilson’s interpretation of those facts. This work breaks new ground at several points. For example, Rachel exchanged 77 emails with Doug Wilson over a 6-week period, which he abruptly ended when he realized that she pinned him. Rachel also exchanged emails with Latah County Prosecutor Bill Thompson that led to interesting discoveries. And amazingly, Rachel extended her research to include John Bradbury, the original sentencing judge in Jamin Wight’s first felony conviction.



November, 2015

October, 2015


  • Doug Wilson’s Christ Church and Handling of Sex Abuse Cases to be Investigated by Insider? by Julie Anne
    Randy Booth, the man heading the investigation into Doug Wilson, is not only a close friend of Wilson but the two of them have written a book about justice together. They agree on how to handle what they call “sexual justice” cases. Of course, Booth is not going to find a problem with anything Wilson has done.
  • Douglas Wilson Digs In, by Rod Dreher
    There have been a few updates to the article, including this one. “UPDATE.3: Starting at around the 24-minute mark in this audio recording of the recent Sitler hearing, the county attorney says that the court records show that Sitler admitted to his wife (who failed to report to authorities, as she was supposed to do), and subsequently to others, that he had been sexually stimulated by physical contact with his infant. The attorney’s voice cracks with anger talking about it. I previously thought that the government moved solely on the basis of a failed polygraph, but no, there’s a personal admission by Sitler himself that his infant son turned him on.”
  • Silencing Women – the guaranteed way for men to stay in control, by Tim Fall
  • The Next Christian Sex Abuse Scandal, by Kathryn Joyce



  • Abuse and the Wilsonian Theology: A Survivor’s Story
    Doug Wilson’s father and the way he abused an abuse victim.
  • Not Where She Should Be, by Douglas Wilson
    An old Credenda/Agenda article about marriage. What should a husband do if his wife does not do her duty and keep the dishes clean? He should call the elders. This article, along with many other horrible things Doug Wilson has written, has been deleted from his website. [Update: A reader sent in a “retraction” Doug Wilson wrote about his dishes article.]




  • Scandal In Moscow, by Rod Dreher
    One of the widest circulated Christian magazines takes on Doug Wilson’s abuse against victims in his church. Very detailed article with links to prime sources. Includes humorous update at the end. Doug Wilson is either lying or he doesn’t know how to hit the send button on his e-mail. Hmm. Which could it be?
  • A Brief Clarification, by Andrew Sandlin
    It has begun! People are distancing themselves from the child-rapist-defending pastor. Sandlin does not want to be seen as endorsing Doug Wilson, whom he says is “coddling pedophiles, publicly mocking godly critics, and favoring convicted sex abusers over their victims. My friends know that I find these actions godless and reprehensible.”
  • Hyper-Headship and the Scandal of of Domestic Abuse in the Church, by Justin Taylor
    The Gospel Coalition speaks up against domestic abuse. Remaining quiet about abuse or telling people to be quiet about it is siding with the abusers against the victims.
  • Pastors, Power, and Prettiness, by Karen Swallow Prior
    Christianity Today, another major publication, has joined in to condemn Doug Wilson, pointing out his obsession with condemning women for how they look.

Natalie Greenfield

  • For the Sake of Clarity – The Timeline
    A detailed timeline of Natalie’s grooming by Jamin Wight from age 13, his repeated rapes (forced oral sex and fisting) until age 16, and the beginning of legal proceedings.
  • Yes, we are still talking about this
    One story of how he raped her and a scan of the letter on Christ Church stationery that Doug Wilson sent to the police defending Jamin.
  • The letter Doug wrote to my father
    The story of how Natalie was treated by Christ Church after she came forward as a teenager about her abuse and a scan of Doug Wilson’s letter on Christ Church stationery threatening and blaming Gary Greenfield.

Katie Botkin

  • Doug Wilson, localized into American English
    A few of his public, documented lies.
  • 50 Shades Darker in the CREC
    Physical and sexual abuse in the CREC labelled as “Biblical correction” and how it relates to Doug Wilson’s complete lack of understanding of submission and sexual consent.
  • Why men who submit to authority are prettier
    An examination of Doug Wilson’s straw man argument that all non-Christian women are “lumberjack dykes” or idiot whores who read Cosmo sex articles and the public record of Doug Wilson’s beginnings as a liar and a manipulator at the Evangelical Free Church in Pullman in the ‘70s before he started Christ Church.
  • The CREC’s Cult of Silence
    Doug Wilson protects a child rapist; Mike Lawyer, Wilson’s right-hand man and head of the CREC Center For Biblical Counseling, supports a man who secretly records his wife, Lawyer threatens and bullies her, and then posts her story on his counseling website.
  • The Wittenburg Door
    Doug Wilson has never retracted or apologized for anything he has done, but if people in his congregation do the same, they are barred from communion.
  • The letter on Christ Church stationery
    Doug Wilson’s lies about protecting the victims and his letter threatening the victim’s parents.
  • Wilson on pedophiles and spotting the wolves
    Doug Wilson’s continued insistence that he was right in marrying off a serial pedophile/child rapist and protecting another child rapist who went on to strangle his wife and physically abuse her, and his continued attack against the victims.
  • Doug Wilson on Marriage
    Marriage for child rapists.

The Truth About Moscow

Personal Stories

And more….


  1. Dash

    This is great. Thanks for the resources.
    I sure hope all of this ends with Doug Wilson being forced from his pulpit, because he’s a terrifying distortion of what a pastor is supposed to be.


  2. Rose Huskey

    It is hard to imagine a way that Doug can be forced from the pulpit. He is far to clever for that to happen:

    “While Christ Church encourages her pastor(s) toward a long-term view of the ministry, in the providence of God, changes in a pastor’s call to a particular church arise for both righteous and sinful reasons. In cases involving moral failures requiring disciplinary proceedings, the disciplinary process for the removal of a pastor is the same as for other officers. For cases that do not involve moral failures or disciplinary proceedings (e.g., Acts 15:33-41, Romans 15:22-33, 1 Corinthians 16:5-12), the procedure for terminating the call
    of a pastor, thereby dismissing him from service at Christ Church, is as follows: If a pastor desires to terminate his call, he shall duly inform the session of his desire. In the case of an involuntary termination of his call, a pastor may be recommended for dismissal from service at Christ Church by a unanimous vote of the session (excluding said pastor). In such a case, the pastor may have recourse to the electors by calling for a vote to either sustain his call as pastor or not (with an option to abstain). If the electors sustain his call by a two-thirds majority vote, the other elders must afterwards either concede to his call
    or refer the matter to the Confederation of Reformed Evangelical Churches for binding arbitration.”
    How likely do you think that Doug would be removed by a unanimous vote –
    and particularly not now as he is President of the denomination.
    Consequently, my advice to Christ Chruch or Tirinity Reformed congregation members is to find a church that celebrates the Gospel with joy and faith while treating the congregation with dignity and compassionate love.
    Rose Huskey


  3. Keely Emerine-Mix

    Please feel free to use anything I’ve written, with attribution, on my Facebook page, if you find it valuable. Keely Emerine-Mix


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